الاسئلة الشائعة

بعض الأسئلة التي كثيرًا ما يطرحها العملاء عند العمل معنا

هل تحاسب على استشارة؟

في شركة أنمر للمحاماة، لا نفرض رسومًا مقابل استشارة أولية. في الاستشارة الأولية المجانية ، سنناقش تفاصيل قضيتك المحتملة والعملية القانونية والإجابة على أي أسئلة قد تكون لديك حول هذه  العملية  .

ماذا عن الرسوم التي تدفع من الجيب؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

من سيعمل في حالتي؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

هل يهم كم من الوقت أنتظر لرفع الدعوى؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

ما مقدار نسبة الفوز المتوقع ؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

كيف سيتواصل المحامي معي؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

هل المعلومات التي أخبر بها المحامي الخاص بي سرية؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

كيف سيتم محاسبتي على خدمات المحامي؟

Two-way communication is very important in a lawyer-client relationship. Many of our lawyers communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your matter and obtain your further instructions. It is our goal to respond to client emails or phone calls within 1-2 business days, where applicable.

احصل على استشارة مجانية!

هل تكافح وتحتاج إلى مساعدة محام؟ اتصل بنا للحصول على استشارة مجانية