1. Onmr Information Technology Foundation is obligated to fix any errors that appear on the site, provided that these errors are the result of programming errors and not errors due to misuse by the customer.
2. Adding images, topics, and trademarks is the responsibility of the client, and images and trademarks must not be protected.
3. In the event that the client wishes to add new additions to the site, the value of these additions will be estimated by Onmr Information Technology Corporation to determine their value and the time required to implement them.
4. Duties and rights of the customer: Adherence to the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, adhering to the regulations and instructions, and ensuring intellectual property rights and trademark rights. The customer is committed to not having any content on the site that violates the regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
5. Guaranteeing the privacy and confidentiality of the contents. The client’s information must be kept by Anmer Information Technology Corporation and not published on the website, such as identity data, private telephone numbers, and commercial registration numbers, and it must not be given to anyone except with the client’s consent.
6. It is prohibited to publish any materials protected by a trademark or any other protection method
7. It is prohibited to publish or promote any sites that engage in illegal activity, support terrorism, call for contempt of religions, sects, people, or racism, or carry any extremist ideology or materials related to threatening messages directed.
8. Posting or publishing any data, messages or pictures that include a statement or gesture with a sexual connotation or images of women or that are indecent, towards another person, that affect his body or honor, or offend his modesty.
9. It is prohibited to publish any programs or applications related to hackers, or publish any materials related to teaching hacking and piracy operations.
10. It is strictly prohibited to send advertising or promotional messages for a site or product through our servers in what is known as SPAM.
11. It is prohibited to transfer, store or provide any data or information that violates the sanctity of Islamic law or agreed upon laws and customs or is used for illegal purposes.
12. In the case of renewal: The customer is obligated to renew on the due date for issuing his invoice, and he will be notified of the renewal date at most 24 hours before it.
13. In the event of not wanting to renew: The backup copy of the client’s website is kept on the servers of the Onmr Information Technology Foundation for a period of 48 hours at most, and he has the right to request the copy during this period only.
14. The account will be closed within 48 hours after the due renewal date has passed. If the customer wishes to reopen the account or obtain a backup copy of his site, a 500 Saudi riyal fee will be paid to reopen the service.
15. After 48 hours have passed from the due date of the invoice, Onmr Information Technology has the right to delete the entire website.
16. The contract takes effect after issuing an invoice to the second party and paying the agreed upon financial dues.
17. Ways to communicate and obtain technical support are through:
E-Mail: Help@onmrhost.com
Official support site: https://onmrhost.com/support
Via the unified technical support number
18. Your agreement to contract and deal with Onmr Information Technology Foundation is considered your acceptance of this policy and the changes made to it.
19. Onmr Information Technology Corporation may amend the provisions of this policy from time to time. In the event that such modifications are made, we will display them on our website so that the user is aware of them. The user’s continued use of the Anmer Information Technology Foundation’s website is considered his acceptance of the conditions stated. In this Privacy Policy as amended from time to time.
20. The customer will be notified of the financial dues for the first time, and after 48 hours, the customer will be notified for the second time, and after 48 hours, the customer will be notified for the third and final time. In the event that the customer does not pay, Onmr Information Technology has the right to take the appropriate action, whether stopping or deleting the services.